Carbohydrates are great for long, and short term energy! |
Carbohydrates can be broken down into 2 types, Simple Carbs and Complex Carbs. Now this may seem complicated but somebody has already done the work in figuring out the two types for you! This is called the Glycemic Index or GI. It measures the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and release glucose rapidly into the bloodstream have a high GI; carbohydrates that break down more slowly, releasing glucose more gradually into the bloodstream, have a low GI. A low-GI food will release glucose more slowly and steadily. A high-GI food causes a more rapid rise in blood glucose levels and is suitable for energy recovery after endurance exercise or for a person experiencing hypoglycemia. High GI foods are also good for post-workout as they will stop the process of catabolism, or the breaking down of muscle tissue for energy in the body. *highly suggested to take protein with High GI foods after workouts for optimal results*
Low Glycemic Index Foods: 55 or Less on the GI: most fruits and vegetables, legumes/pulses, whole grains, meat, eggs, milk, nuts, fructose and products low in carbohydrates.
Medium Glycemic Index Foods: 56-60 on the GI: whole wheat products, basmati rice, sweet potato, sucrose
High Glycemic Index Foods: 70 and Above on the GI: baked potatoes, watermelon, white bread, most white rices, corn flakes, extruded breakfast cereals, glucose
Proteins should form the basis of all your meals. |
There are many different sources of protein ranging from whole protein foods (such as milk, meat, fish, egg, and vegetables) to a variety of protein powders (such as casein *slow digesting*, whey *fast digesting*, and soy). Protein powders are processed and manufactured sources of protein. Protein powders may provide an additional source of protein for exercising muscles. The type of protein is important in terms of its influence on protein metabolic response and possibly on the muscle's exercise performance. The different physical and/or chemical properties within the various types of protein may affect the rate of protein digestion.
Nuts are a great source of healthy fats. |
Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fats are the better fats for you. They're found in foods such as Olive Oils, and Canola Oil and are absolutely necessary for the many functions of life. Our bodys also require essential fatty acids (EFAs), such as linoleic and alpha linoleic acid, for normal cell growth and development. They only way to get these acids is through your diet. EFA's are found primarily in fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, and in certain nuts, oils, and dark green vegetables.
Hydration is equally important, so don't forget to drink about 2 quarts of water daily. ( Exercise and Nutrition are vital to allowing your body to thrive instead of just survive. Supplements are fine but don't rule out natural sources, which are bound to always be at least easier for your body to process. Stay away from the center aisles at your supermarket and you can't go wrong.
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